You ought to be able to present your teammates highfives and things. In my teammate dunks on LeBron I need to be able to have my own participant emote positively towards him. You also need to be able to yell out to your teammates, such as:"shoot that next time" or"I had been open""remain home on your man""post that guy up" etc etc.. If you regularly yell for a guy to play outside of his match, for example: telling a non shooter to shoot or a lousy defender to stop letting men go by them Buy MT 2K21; your teammate chemistry with that participant should go down and vice versa if you are always encouraging them.

This is a fantastic idea, maybe you can use a headset it would be tough to implement but that would be awesome. The headset idea is awesome, I never thought of that. To me literally having the ability to say"nice pass" or"fine defense" goes a very long way. Else they can do it or They can either do that with voice commands how rocket league does it, with the pad. This creates a lively, personal relationship with your teammates in a way that the cutscenes can't accomplish. If you a jerk teammates should be able to ask trades while being fine encourages teammates to stay with the team by taking paycuts.

Can not agree more. My initial construct for every 2K I try to have as much of a career that is realistic as you can, so that I usually play 2-3 seasons and having an actual story or being able to interact with gamers more would be a fantasy. Building friendships and rivalries with whoever you need and being able to start a fight, becoming ejected or visiting somebody like Draymond go nuts would be so enjoyable. And should the commentators wouldn't tell me their life story but actually comment on NBA 2K21 such as COMMENTators are supposed to, then the entire MyCareer would feel so dynamic, enjoyable and even offers replayability, instead of just grinding your new build and having an avg. Of 75/25/15 every match with Shaq congratulating me on my dual double.

Ive always thought that you should have more interactions with your teammates. Fantastic idea. By way of example after a shot is made by a teammate an and one in the event that you walk or run them up nba2king plays with an animation sometimes randomly. The immersion is actually brought by it to another level. I would love if we can help up teammates I don't think I have ever seen that happen. I've been helped up by opposing players before after they foul me but never a teammate.