If you talk to the man in Bandos Armour, then you will Find the Graador Trophy along with RS gold a Bandos Battleaxe. The Graador Trophy is similar to this Kree'arra Trophy, only it does exactly the Bandos part rather and provides you immunity for 30 minutes. The Bandos Battleaxe resembles a Dharok's Greataxe, only more ancient. You hold it the exact same way. It's very havy, so every other turn you are able to attack. No special though.

If you talk to the man in the Saradomin Robes, He'll give you a Zilyana Trophy and a Saradomin Shield. Again, the Zilyana Trophy does the exact same thing as others, only it teleports you to the Saradomin part and provides you immunity for cheap RuneScape gold half an hour. Even the Saradomin Shield is NOT that the Saradomin Kiteshield, it's much different. It looks like the Symbol of Saradomin, only blue. It may heal half what you shield, such as the Godsword. But a negative side it, it degrades after every usage, and it could only be utilized 3000 times.